Hi boys & girls,
We've been a little out of touch recently, it was nice to be relatively isolated from the outside world for a couple weeks although we bought and frantically read Newsweek, Times and The Guardian weekly last night after making our first stop in a town with international news in a week!
Life in WA is as some people describe it here "backwards". Back from what? Well No public transportation, No big hotels or any building higher that 2 floors, nothing on the coast but white sand and clear water. As one of the surfers we interviewd said: "If this is being backwards then I want to be!".
Before I hear you say I'm going hippy don't owrry I am getting sick of the insects and the heat so I will be happy to return to civilization gradually tomorrow (Perth then Sydney).
On our trip we have been all the way north up to Geraldton where we had to turn back because of floodings due to another cyclone. So we headed back through Perth and stopped in Bunbury to swim with the dolphins that literraly come up a few meters away from you at feeding time. Again an amazing interaction that made me realize my place which is fitting since the seaside cafe I'm writing from is playing this classic (yes I'm calling it that!) by Coldplay.
Generally speaking I would say that was the highlight of my trip to Australia was that it made me realize how much nicer it was to be able to feel like I was adapting to my environment.
It made me realize that while we must tame nature in order to make room for our comfortable lifestyles and all the necessities of modern life that come with it, we it should remember that we also need our environment to lead this lifestyle. I think we can easily forget the fact that everything we have, it has given us or at the very least enabled.
To think we have dominated our environment is a mistake. We must remember that our relationship with our surroundings is like our relationships with one another. To be succesfull they must be a healthy balance of give and take. And be based on respect.
Thanks for reading my rant,
Chill out and stay safe
Life in WA is as some people describe it here "backwards". Back from what? Well No public transportation, No big hotels or any building higher that 2 floors, nothing on the coast but white sand and clear water. As one of the surfers we interviewd said: "If this is being backwards then I want to be!".
Before I hear you say I'm going hippy don't owrry I am getting sick of the insects and the heat so I will be happy to return to civilization gradually tomorrow (Perth then Sydney).
On our trip we have been all the way north up to Geraldton where we had to turn back because of floodings due to another cyclone. So we headed back through Perth and stopped in Bunbury to swim with the dolphins that literraly come up a few meters away from you at feeding time. Again an amazing interaction that made me realize my place which is fitting since the seaside cafe I'm writing from is playing this classic (yes I'm calling it that!) by Coldplay.
Generally speaking I would say that was the highlight of my trip to Australia was that it made me realize how much nicer it was to be able to feel like I was adapting to my environment.
It made me realize that while we must tame nature in order to make room for our comfortable lifestyles and all the necessities of modern life that come with it, we it should remember that we also need our environment to lead this lifestyle. I think we can easily forget the fact that everything we have, it has given us or at the very least enabled.
To think we have dominated our environment is a mistake. We must remember that our relationship with our surroundings is like our relationships with one another. To be succesfull they must be a healthy balance of give and take. And be based on respect.
Thanks for reading my rant,
Chill out and stay safe
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